Frequent erection – a problem or a sign of health and strength?
Erection is a sign of man´s own masculinity and strength that makes him feel self-assured and confident. It is also a very important aspect for his female partner.
Firm enlarged penis shows a man being attracted by a female and wants to have sex with her. Physiological erection plays an important role in a man´s life. It is one of the things a man may relay on in difficult aspects of life.
However, erection does not concern mature men only. One may say that it accompanies all males from their birth up to their death. Bt it concerns older men as well as small boys.
What does frequent erection mean? It is a very relative and subjective term. Where there is a line between standard and very frequent erection? My article deals with this issue.

Frequent erection from very young ages
Erection is the most frequent signal of sexual desire. Erectile tissue becomes engorged with blood. The penis is firm, larger and able to go into female´s vagina. Small boys´ parents may be shocked at first to see erection at their children. The fact is that erection occurs at a very early age.
Little boys may have erection while having a bath or when parents change their nappies. It is quite common though. It is a signal of sexual maturation on the way to sexual maturity of boys.
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First erection
A male foetus can get erections in the womb. This fact has been proven by some medical records of ultrasound scans. It may not always be the leg which pushes the mum in her abdomen.
Erection is very common among babies and toddlers. Apart from erection firm penis may be observed several days after the birth of baby boy. This is a result of baby boy´s hormonal activity and traumatic consequence shortly after the birth. The condition gets back to normal after several days.
My son has frequent erection. What are the reasons?
Quite often there doesn´t need to be any reason for it. According to the experts erection may be an uncontrolled reaction in many cases. It clearly is a sign that the nervous system functions well.
Eventually it may be the result of a full bladder. These short term erections do not represent any threat to a male child. They are a good sign that the body grows well and there is nothing for the parents to worry about.
Discovering own body
Small children are curious. They want to discover themselves as well as their body. Erection is a part of this self-discovery process. Male boys may feel uncomfortable in this situation and therefore it is important for their parents to handle such situation discretely and stay calm.
If erection lasts longer small boy may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. He may cry and complain. Then it up to the parents to make the boy feel safe and not to embarrass him unnecessarily.
When does the boy´s erection take a long time?
If the child´s erection lasts for several hours and in case of the following symptoms:
- rash
- pale skin
In such case the child should visit a doctor. The Pediatrician will be able to assess the condition and recommend further treatment.
And what to do in case of a painful erection? Prolonged and painful erection not connected with sexual arousal is called priapism. It occurs in adult males and boys at the age between 5-10 years.
This disease is often connected with leukemia, drepanocytosis or with injuries. it is a very painful conditions requiring immediate intervention of an Urologist. Otherwise there is a risk of irreversible damage to penis.
Puberty is typical for frequent erection
Puberty represents turbulent sexual development or both sexes. Hormones are out of balance and the body undergoes significant changes. Organism is getting ready for the period of sexual maturity. During this period the boy has a huge desire for sex and very frequent erection.
The penis erects spontaneously. Many times against male´s will. Night erections or spontaneous night ejaculation (nocturnal emission) are nothing extraordinary. This is a very typical period of erect penis or very regular masturbation.
I have frequent erection with high level of testosterone
A male with high level of testosterone, the male hormone may probably have more frequent erection. This hormone has an unbelievable power. It strengthens muscles, burns fat and improves mood and sleep. Last but not least this hormone increases sexual appetite and overall energy.
Decrease in the male hormone level starts after the men reach the age of 30 and they start to experience the symptoms of andropause. Good level of hormones may be preserved by keeping a healthy lifestyle. The following activities should be included in a male´s life:
- physical activity
- good-quality sleep
- healthy and well balanced diet
- regular sex/masturbation
Frequent erection and sex addiction
In rare cases frequent erection may be connected with sexual deviation. It is a condition in which someone´s behaviour falls far outside of the society´s norms.
Male´s sexual urge is so high that it engulfs him completely. Sex addiction is a condition which greatly influences the affected man´s life. In many cases help of a specialist is required.
No erection is worse than a frequent one
Frequent erection and sexual drive. Both of these phenomena may in extreme situations complicate man´s life. On the other hand weak or missing erection may probably be even worse deviation from the standard than anything else. Man´s sexual desire in a woman, longing for her but unable to do anything. This is probably the worst scenario a man may face.
Erection disfunctions
There may be various causes of erection disorders. The age we live in has contributed most to this unfavourable situation in the entire history of mankind. There are various reasons for it:
- stress and busy lifestyle
- desk jobs
- unbalanced diet
- high demands from the point of sexual performance
- smoking and high level of alcohol
However, all of these factors may be influenced. Everything depends on the will of an individual only. He just needs a will to do something about it. A man who decides to fight with weaker erection should consider an assistance which food supplements provide. You can find out more in our detailed erection food supplements review.
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